8. Hypothetical

A husband and wife were having a talk on a Saturday morning.

“If something happened to me,” the wife said, “would you marry again?”

“I think I probably would,” the husband replied.

“Would she live in this house?” the wife asked.

“Well, the house would be here and it would make sense that she be here.”

“Would she sleep in our bed?”

“There again, the bed is here in the house. It would be silly to change the bed just for the sake of changing it.”

The wife paused for a moment, then asked, “Would she use my new golf clubs?”

“No, no. She’s left-handed.”

*                      *                      *                      *                      *                      *                      *

It makes sense to plan ahead, but it is also important to live in the present and to give it what it needs. That marriage is clearly not getting the attention it deserves.

In hyperbarics it’s important to look ahead and to keep up with new developments and possibilities, but in the day to day the focus is to give the best attention to each patient that comes in for treatment. That's our goal at Gericke-Nesbitt Regenerative Medicine. We should add that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is equally effective if you are right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous, but we cannot guarantee that it will do anything for your golf.


7. Pronunciation