5. Take a Number
Don't read ahead! Do this step by step!
Take any number between 1 and 10.
Multiply that number by 9.
If you get a number with 2 digits, add them both together. (if you get a number with just one digit, there’s nothing to add.)
Subtract 5 from that number.
You should end up with a single number.
If you were to substitute A for 1, B for 2, C for 3, D for 4, E for 5 and so on, substitute a letter for the number you have ended up with.
Think of a country that begins with that letter.
Now think of an animal that begins with the next letter in the alphabet.
Do you really think there are elephants in Denmark?
The official number of conditions which hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been shown to help remedy is 14 and if you need treatment for any of them in Ontario, the cost of your treatment will be covered by OHIP.
If you need HBOT, we hope you will consider Halton Hyperbarics. We promise not to treat you like a number. When you arrive we won’t even ask you to take a number.
You can count on it!